Spiritual Book Discussions

Have you ever wondered what your spiritual purpose might be?

These online classes are based on ECK books. Members share experiences, ask questions, or simply
listen as the group explores keys to spiritual freedom. If you would like to attend one session as an
observer, please contact us at: HUservices@gmail.com

Spiritual Study Classes (Satsang)

Satsang class is a spiritual gathering of spiritual students led by a teacher of ECK classes to study and review the ECK discourses.  The purpose of Satsang is to help each person in class find their own relationship with divine spirit.  If you would like to attend one session as an observer,
please contact us at:  HUservices@gmail.com

Click the Eckankar logo to learn more
Public Events Calendar

Click the link below to see our calendar of planned online ECK events in Thailand.  Whether in a Sound of Soul event, an ECK Light and Sound Service, a spiritual class, an ECK book discussion, or other ECK sponsored activities, you may join other like-minded Souls interested in discussing their spiritual purpose and exploration.  Welcome to Eckankar in Thailand.  May you enjoy the adventure of a lifetime.

“You are Soul. Special. One of a kind. So love yourself, love God, and love others. That’s what your stay in this place is to help you learn. So look around and say thank you for all the blessings.”

Sri Harold - Klemp The Living Word Book 3, p.9